Sunday, April 19, 2015

Elephants Are Misunderstood

Elephants are Misunderstood,

and by elephants, I mean Republicans.

and by Republicans, I mean myself.

I am not a white rich male, or part of the Tea Party. I am an engaged white female who just graduated college. I am not a "hater" because I believe in traditional marriage. I am not closed-minded, a "woman-hater" or "self-righteous".   I am the product of two parents who have had to work too hard and I have had a religious upbringing that I am proud of. SO WHAT? I AM CHRISTIAN. Let's not forget it says, "Under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance...

A Gallup poll conducted in 2005 revealed that most teens and young adults adopt their parents' political perspective as their own(  My dad explained to me simply one day one reason why he is Conservative. He said, "Chelsea, I build homes. If the government taxes me too greatly then I won't be able to expand my business. I won't be able to buy more lots to build people homes, or buy tools that I need to grow and expand my skills". I don't know that logic just makes sense to me. It always has and it always will.

An article from "Business Insider" points: "Today's government spending levels are indeed too high, at least relative to the average level of tax revenue the government has generated over the past 60 years. Unless Americans are willing to radically increase the amount of taxes they pay relative to GDP, government spending must be cut. ( 

Another issue that frosts my cookies is Abortion. Please stop saying that because  I am Pro-Life I don't believe in Women's Rights, or that I am a "Woman-Hater". Seriously people I AM A WOMAN! I believe in responsibility. If you are sexually-active, then you risk getting pregnant, it's PLAIN AND SIMPLE. In regards to the notion that I should be Pro-Life because of Rape...  roughly 5% of women who get rapped result in a pregnancy. Instead of focusing on aborting babies, why don't we focus on rape? Why don't we make more strict policies against sexual predators?  My problem with many Pro-Lifers is that they don't seem to acknowledge any responsibility in pregnancy. They never say: "Yeah I had sex so that's why I got pregnant". They say, "Yeah I don't want to have this baby". Ultimately, it comes down to responsibility. Not to mention, babies are alive when they are aborted, otherwise they couldn't grow, or wouldn't have a heartbeat. 

Same-sex marriage. NO I AM NOT A HATER, or ANTI-LOVE. I just believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I also believe that children have the right to both a mom and a dad. I believe we were designed to fit like a puzzle for a reason. 

I recognize that neither political party has all the right answers. I just tend to side with the elephants. Mostly, I wrote this post because I am so sick of being misunderstood by society. People make you feel strange for believing in traditional values. I like saying "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. I like that TRADITION. I like how I can live the American Dream if I want. I like that TRADITION. Really, those traditions aren't bad, they are part of our Country. I know that God allowed for our Nation to be formed despite all odds.  I shouldn't be judged because I will always acknowledge that. I don't think it says "In God We Trust" on our paper bills just for fun but to say that the founding fathers know that. 

I am an Elephant.

I am a Republican.

I am misunderstood. 

I am informed.

I give a hoot. 


*there will probably be numerous grammatical/ spelling errors... but I didn't not major in English ;)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Why I am glad I don't have a "HOT, SEXY, FIT MOM", I have a real one.

My mom is one of the most beautiful people I have meet. So selfless and will help anyone in need. Seriously, I don't know how I will ever catch up to her! She is so amazing and ever since I was little I have looked into her beautiful blue eyes and have seen who I want to be. 

Does my mom work out for 2  hours a day? NO. Does she follow a strict  PALEO diet? NO. Does she obsess over being a super sexy hot mom?Absolutely not. You know why? She is too busy being the greatest mom that ever lived. She is too busy helping people. She is too busy working over 40 hours a week. She is too busy being the best soccer mom ever.

Recently there has been such a trend in mom's being super "HOT, SEXY AND FIT". Wait women, I thought we were tired of the perfect body images clouding who we really are as women.. It makes me think we are creating this culture of obsessing over a perfectly chiseled body ourselves.. 

"Moms have to be careful of not only what they say to their daughters but also their body language," says clinical psychologist Peggy Elam, PhD. "Little girls pick up when mom complains about her own weight, makes comments about others or shows her fat bias through expressive body language."

I am not saying that women shouldn't be fit and healthy.. But what I am saying is that why do we spend so much time obsessing over it? One thing about my mom is that  she makes the best chocolate chip cookies ever. And I enjoyed them as a treat growing up. Interestingly, none of my mom's children are obese.. This is because we enjoyed treats but loved physical activity. Those are things my mom taught me. 

If I am ever a mom I hope I teach my kids that there is more to life than being sexy and fit. Side note: Can I just say I don't like the word sexy.... I want to teach my kids to be healthy and to enjoy a treat once in a while.  The most important thing I believe that needs to be taught and learned is that I love them, to love those around them and love Jesus Christ. Those are things that I want my kids to know above anything else. 

I realize I might offend some with this post. But I just give a hoot. 


Monday, March 24, 2014

Why the "equality" argument REALLY bothers me.

So many equality signs lately. SO MANY.

"Equality" is a symbol that many Americans have recently adopted to define their reasoning for many popular ideologies.  I'm sorry but I just don't get... and I really don't like it.

First off, what does "equality" even mean?  Equality means that a sperm and an egg came together to create you. That's it. It doesn't mean that the government promises you that you will be smart, or have a comfortable living, or that you will be successful. No folks.. that is up to us.   If I am speaking bluntly, how realistic is it that society is "equal" anyway? The fact of the matter is, it is very unequal... I believe that this stems from the idea that EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT. Some people are more intelligent than I am (probably a lot of people), and I am more intelligent than others.  Some people will contribute positively to society while others may be a burden to society. Some will have an over-abundance of money, while some will live on the streets. To speak frankly, this is the way it is. Furthermore, someone who is bilingual will likely get hired over me even if I meet the same criteria. Inequality? absolutely.. Am I whining?.. no.. perhaps I will just get a Rosetta Stone.....

Next.. Take a look at America's health care.. We spend far more on health care than many other developed nations, but yet we have one of the lowest life expectancies comparatively. ( .  Furthermore, the more money you have in the United States, the more likely you are to be healthy. INEQUALITY? ABSOLUTELY.  Inequality exists in many aspects of America.

Why in the world would I want to live in a society where everything is equal? Why? Do we as American citizens realize what it means to be an American? To practice whatever religion we want and the many other freedoms that are included in the American birthright? Unless we want the government regulating every single thing in our lives.. inequality is inevitable. Do I want the government parading around regulating people's lives and rights to ensure that they have a life full of rain-bows and butterflies? No. That is what Divine Intervention is for.  That is what the will-power of the individual is for. I get it. This is a harsh reality and you may think I am heartless. But I have worked hard to be where I am today, not because I had an ultra-cushy life.. but because I wanted to succeed- because I had the amount of pride for myself, and my family which fueled a determination to make something of myself.

Here is my concern with society in America today: Why are we so concerned with what we can get out of America versus what we can give to America? Don't we owe her for what she has given us? Why do we feel so entitled? Did you know that today, 46.6 million Americans get footstamps, as compared to 17.2 million in the year 2000? Why don't we as Americans contribute more to America? I think the best gift we can give America is to become kind, productive, respectful,  members of society who give a Hoot.

I am not saying that we shouldn't care about the mother-of-three who lives down the street who now has to support her children because her husband decided to abandon them, or those in America who feel that they are being discriminated against.

But PLEASE.. come up with another reason than equality.. Because I for one, am thankful for the capitalism and the abilities that affords us within the United States.

Sorry, I am not sorry that I just give a Hoot.